Dolly Parton Imagination Library, a program that sends age-appropriate books at no cost to children ages birth through five was available to children in Morristown and Waldron for several years. Thanks to generous donors, the program was expanded for all Shelby County children. Although the program is free for families, it is made possible by financial sponsors in each community.

Over 600 donors have provided financial support to the program. Thank you for helping over 1,563 young readers graduate from the program as of the end of 2024. 

 BRCF would like to pay special recognition to the following Bibliophilia Level donors (gifting over $5,000):


Although the Imagination Library program is free to the participant, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library only covers the cost of all overhead, administration fees, database usage and support as well as coordinating the book selections and fulfillment of book orders. The Shelby County Imagination Library Fund, an endowment held at BRCF to support the program, must cover a portion of the purchase of wholesale books as well as the mailing costs for Shelby County participants. To ensure that the Shelby County Imagination Library Fund can support all eligible children in Shelby County to participate in this program, we are asking that you consider a donation to the fund as you make your annual charitable donations. A contribution of just $25 will support a child in the program for a year; a $125 donation will support a child during their entire 5 years in the program. A small contribution can make a huge impact for the youth of our community.



To put a book in the hands of a Shelby County child age birth to five and promote a love of reading, please register below.

Blue River Community Foundation
54 W Broadway Street, Suite 1
Shelbyville, IN 46176

View our 2023 Annual Report
See the impact BRCF made in the past year.

Questions about donating?
Contact Jennifer Jones,
executive director

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