Hometown Community Grants

Supporting projects in your community

One of the Foundation’s most important jobs is to help caring people meet their charitable goals by connecting them with the causes they care most about. Recognizing that many people care most about the area where they live or grew up — their own “hometown community” — the Foundation has established four geographic area funds, called “Hometown Community Funds.”

Each fund serves one of the four corners, or quadrants, of Shelby County by generating grants that will benefit projects or organizations serving the residents of each fund’s designated area. Each area is determined by the borders of the County’s school districts. Grants are selected by an advisory committee of residents from each area.

The grants awarded from these funds are able to support almost any charitable project or organization that serves the residents of each fund’s area. Examples would include schools, volunteer fire departments, historic restoration projects, town improvements, public beautification projects, youth programs, senior citizen programs, or community education programs. It is the Foundation’s hope that these funds will become wonderful resources for all of Shelby County.

No matter what part of Shelby County you call “home,” you have an opportunity to make a lasting impact for that area for generations to come. “Hometown Community Funds” provide a wonderful resource for the future generations of your hometown community.

+ Deadlines

Applications are due by July 1.

Grants from these funds are awarded annually in June. For questions regarding these opportunities, please contact Jordan England.


New Grant Opportunity Wortman Family Foundation

View our 2023 Annual Report
See the impact BRCF made in the past year.

Questions about grants?
Contact Jordan England, Grants and Nonprofit Relations Director

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