high school seniors

By completing the Blue River Community Foundation scholarship application, high school students will be eligible for  scholarships from over 95 funds. 

The application cycles are:

Summer Cycle: July 1 - September 1

Winter Cycle: November 1 - January 15

*Students who apply during the summer cycle and meet the minimum eligibility requirements are also considered the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship.

The application requires the following items:

- Scholastic profile from your school counselor
- Personal essay (500 words or less)
- Two recommendations (one school affiliation and one professional) We suggest you complete these requests well in advance of the deadline.
- FAFSA completion (for BRCF scholarships)
- General information (including contact information, education, awards, activities, and employment)
- College plans (including those applied and accepted to, housing, and intended major)


current college

+ nontraditional students

Current college students and adults who are either returning to or starting college must fill out a different application than high school students. The application deadline is January 15th.


Free application for federal student aid (Fafsa)

Applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as part of the general application process. Students can submit the FAFSA as early as October 1st.


other scholarships

Chase Hubler Travel Award: Open to Shelbyville High School students traveling abroad

WHS Class of 1960 Award: Only use this application if not applying through the general online application

Browning Scholarship: For 3rd year or higher college students

A few scholarships are administered by BRCF, but require completion of a separate application.  The deadline to apply is January 15th.


Psi Iota Xi Education Award: Must be at least a junior in college, pursuing a degree in fine arts or speech & hearing

Harding Scholarship: Open to Waldron High School students in 9-12 grade with 3 or more years of 4-H membership. May apply through the online application or this hard application.

Glasson/Hayes Scholarship: For students pursuing medical/related degrees

Blue River Community Foundation
54 W Broadway Street, Suite 1
Shelbyville, IN 46176

BRCF Alumni Scholars
Learn about this opportunity for individuals who received brcf scholarships.

View the BRCF scholarship resource guide
Learn about opportunities to earn cash for college.

Questions about scholarships?
Contact Julie Alvis, Communications & Scholarships Director
(317) 392-7955

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